With my technique of throwing fat balls across the garden to be nearer the field I seem to have encouraged a male pheasant to visit everyday and a female to wander around. The seeds i put out entice magpies, black birds and ravens and the peanuts in their holders mean i have black headed tits,…
How Old is Vanity?
Culture is not for sale yet everywhere it is the playground of the wealthy. Whenever we find old cities we seem to find finer buildings than others and those are usually palaces or temples of some kind. I wonder if they had sports grounds. W know they had training grounds and the Greeks had games…
Figures are Interesting
The Office of National Statistics looked at the GDP of the UK the year before Brexit and surmised that the actual GDP of the country afterwards was 5% lower of £31 thousand million (31 billion for those who count like the Americans) in lost investment and growth within the economy. The fiscal black hole Hunt…
The US Elections
I had a conversation with an American and she was delighted the Democrats kept the Senate. I pointed out that with all that has been said that to European mind seems outrageous (the battle over women’s bodies, the racism, the conspiracy theories politically driven) 49 Republican seats seems an awful lot or ignorant and partisan…
How The Eye Works
It is endlessly fascinating to know few of us see the world the same world, because our eyes pick up differences in shade and colour, see more shadows than others. see more lines than other each other. It is one of the first and most important lessons to learn when viewing ‘works of art’ that…
Deeply religious countries have a problem. They do not usually know how to treat women. It is a strange fact of human culture that women were not seen as equals without question. but a function both of the desire of men to vie with each other for power, and the vaginocentric manner of their relationship…
Are We All in Limbo
Since the creation of passports the easy travelling from country to country with identity papers and before then, with nothing, has long gone except for the rich. The crossing of the artificial borders we have evolved over thousands of years which, no doubt, will all change again during the millennium, so easy for our ancestors…
Ancient Planets
So they have inferred from our latest methodology of reading light, that there are planets a long way away that were probably capable of supporting life almost ten billion years ago. These planets are no longer functioning as they appear to be in pieces but the idea that intelligence may be that old, and we…
It is too late. Back in 1982 I read a book called the Green Inheritance by Professor Huxley and then I knew the race to make money was antithetical to the needs of nature. That was 40 years ago. Then I read about the native American (I do not know to which nation he belonged)…
I Know A Man
Very difficult in many ways, hypersensitive in his life, achieved more than most in visual arts literature and had a tortuous mind to deal with that ked to several breakdowns. Unable to get on with any of his children he had only a few close relationships with highly intelligent people who could handle his particular…