When you break your routine and get up at say, 5 am and listen to the radio and look at the dawn you see and hear a quite different world to one you are used to. Radio 4 doesn’t run overnight so they join up with the BBC World Service and you hear al kinds…
What is the single most important invention of the human race? By important do you mean the best, the most pervasive, the most used, the longest in existence? I mean what is the most ubiquitous invention in the entire history of the human race? That’s easy: money. #money
A spoken poem
Cosmic Time By me
The New Olympics
The original Olympics were based on many fighting skills and as such all the events had a strong physical element. In the new Olympics, having become more benign as a culture over the 2,000 years, we had an art category though one of the organisers won the sculpture medal. We also had poetry. Today we…
Phone Addiction
I never mind about kids enjoying technology. I was part of the TV generation and my mother was part of the radio generation. But growing up we had set times for both. Programmes we wanted to listen to that fitted in with school and friends. I never remember a time when I was not model…
When the host countries get the Olympics they usually do much better in the medals table as they invest heavily in their athletes for the years running up to the event. It does seem that it is money and the opportunity and training it provides that makes the most of natural ability. How else to…
That old Song
Back in the 1980s when I first began to write for children I was told by the agents and publishers in the UK that children didn’t read about magic anymore, that I needed to add more realism to my work. I didn’t believe them and thought this was the Pollingers teaching (they were agents) and…
How The Masses Are Created
So someone posts the knife attacker in Southport was a Muslim and there is a riot outside of a Mosque in which the rioters are not from Southport but inspired by social media to congregate. It takes many moths and sometimes an entire upbringing to get someone to attend a rally of this nature and…
Children Are Doing Badly
12 children in a Druze village, 3 children in a British town all in the same week. It goes against everything adults should be doing, to protect the new generation. The 17 year old who killed three children and the jihadi fascists who miss-fired their sickening missile are not adults in any sense of the…
Nothing Changes
So we elected a Labour Government a week ago and today we are told two children have been murdered in a knife attack and two days ago we were witness to video of a man going berserk in an airport and being tasered and the Chancellor declaring the last government lied about the funding they…