In 1878, a New York publication, The Daily Graphic, published their own April Fool’s prank. Thomas Edison had recently invented the phonograph, and people thought there were no limits to what the famous inventor could do. The publication fabricated an article attesting that Edison had invented a brand new machine that could turn water into…
Author: Daniel
Sun at last
Today is feels like spring. The birds are singing away (again too few but at least some are here) and there is no rain and bright sunshine. It mist make some people very happy for Easter and I am sure believers will feel it is a sign of the risen. There are a lot of…
Once Upon A Time
I had bees. Last year at this time I had placed two hives together and both were full but when I split them one hive vanished into the other. I am guessing I did not have a queen in one of them. Then the numbers fell until there were a few handfuls of bees going…
Facebook and to some extent LinkedIn has been awash for five months with the Gaza war. They filled posts with massive generalisations and invective aimed at the Israelis. No words have been aimed at the hatred of Hamas or the indifference of Egypt both of whom have it in their power to end the war…
Let’s Get Ready to Fight
Listening to a European Parliament member on the World Service say we need to prepare for war if we want peace. Apparently most of the aid money going to the Ukraine from Europe is used to buy weaponry made outside of the European Union. Surely, he says, we should manufacture it here. Arming oneself to…
Structural Engineering
There is something about bridges going down that hurts even more than seeing a house collapse. It is the idea of connection being lost and deeply associated with our long history with water – all the early city states were built near and around rivers. But bridges always have a life span. The main thread…
There is no doubt that the human species is a violent animal. And it doesn’t just extend to war or fighting or beating people up. Even people who announce they are peace loving wear clothes made from animals kept in cruel conditions or slaughtered for some part of their body and it is obvious that…
What is Education?
I recall an American coming to our school and being amazed no one knew who Paul Revere was. I was not because I told him no country teaches it defeats to the young and the Minute Men in the Revolutionary War with America were a part of the reason the British lost. I didn’t realise…
Best of Friends
I had a lovely phone conversation with an artist who created the artwork for my epic fantasy back in 2012. We launched the book in her university town and when she had a bursary to attend Documenta in Kassel I drove over and we spent a fun time visiting beaches in Croatia and walking up…
The Suffering Now
Suffering of the Now – Kills in spirit The body saved from The last war – This is the spoil for new armies Falling bombs missed the delicate Child with sweet hands – Who grew into lovely woman In the suffering Now Ready for rape – Sickness is not only death Cruelty is not only…