I heard long ago that if everything had to be paid for, nothing would be affordable. So we do not pay grandparents for looking after the children, or mothers and fathers for having children. We do not pay people for the free time they give to communities seen especially in the way people came together…
Month: July 2024
How Could I Only Learn This Now?
I heard a lot about East Timor in the past but in recent years there has been a media silence on the Indonesian genocide. I read now at the U*N and other sites on human rights watch that near 500,000 Papuans have been slaughtered by the Indonesians. Thousands more have been raped, tortured, imprisoned or…
The French Dilemma
As we said before fascism has always been with us and immigration always raises its spectre. Those who study these things suggest any resident population can take up to 5% increase in their numbers from immigration with relative equanimity but above that and you have unrest and kick-back. And while the British have stopped mass…
The Wrong Green Energy
twenty something years ago when everyone was talking about cheap, clean energy solar panels were subsidised in the belief that it would help everyone get free electricity. Then someone in the treasury departments of the world looked up and said ‘ you do know the billions we get from taxing energy will vanish if everyone…
Guiding Principles
Well before Hammurabi we probably generated laws to govern society. All religions represent a similar attempt to give rules by which to live. Various constitutions have been written which do the same for states today although the UK prefers to make it up as they go along. In the main the underlying aim has been…
Because the Second World War was such a defining moment in European history when people learn about it they assume fascism started in the twentieth century. They are wrong. Fascism is best defined for its one party tyranny, but it also includes secret police, deep financial corruption of the higher echelons of power, a sinister…
Dangerous Waters
There were constituencies that voted out Labour candidates because Labour support Israel’s right to attack Hamas in Gaza. This is Muslims voting for Muslims thousands of miles away and what is worrying about this is that it is sectarian. If you have a right to vote in the UK it is because you are a…
So Labour wins on 36% of the vote a massive majority. Thatcher never received 50% of the vote yet stayed in power for 11 years. It is pintless to vote Green in large numbers because they cannot win and now we know the places in the UK which are most racist with 4 Reform MPs….
Frederico Garcia Lorca
Green, how I want you, green. Green wind. Green branches. The ship on the sea and the horse on the mountain. With the shadow at her waist, she dreams on her balcony, green flesh, green hair, with eyes of cold silver. Green, how I want you, green. Under the gypsy moon, things are watching her…
I was delighted tom spent an evening with a friend I have not seen in forty years. We were at school together. I was interested in our conversation about religion in which he said he had never thought there was a difference between the stories religions tell and Robin Hood. It was all about good…