Today’s suggestion that the ills of youth will be overcome through national conscription for 18 year olds – or social volunteering – are a nonsense. There are, of course, people of all ages who think what they think and do what they do because of the influence of the local community they never leave. But if you want to give 18 year olds a great year of adult awareness pay for them to go abroad for 12 months like rich people do. During their schooling up to the age of 18 give them the opportunity to visit and stay in the country which language they are learning.
Opening a child’s mind doesn’t begin at 18 it starts from day 1 of birth. Military discipline doesn’t stop an adult from joining a gang to stabbing a civilian, that comes with mental discipline and control of hatreds. Military men and women are not fooled by political manoeuvring or the worth of their lives to their political masters. In fact fascist minded soldiers are much better at organising insurrections then civilians.
Integrating communities takes infinitely more than conscription.