Printing and editing a magazine about contemporary art is an interesting study when artists deal with the entirety of human experience. The endless friction caused can produce real hurt and the discussions can become angry and very frustrating. My most recent brush was using the image of a known Nazi. This, I was told, would give offence to people who suffered under them, and an article dealing with some of the issues Germany has to del with, was censored.
Yes in the lifetime of those who made these decisions the most neo-fascist government has been elected into the Whitehouse. The people who would not face up to the cultural issues inherent in fascism have allowed it to gain entry where it has no right to be and they will find it as hard to get rid of them as we all did in the 1940s. It hurts a few who suffered at their hands to be reminded of their faces and their words, but it hurts us all not to face them and argue them down.