You don’t have to mind that the world is unrefined; In places skewed like a puppet with too many strings incapable of dancing for itself; You don’t have to mind the few who devour everything and curse the poor for being poor or too sore to work for the rich bitch with the Palm Beach…
And God Made Computers Possible
Though I am beginning to ask myself why. There always seems to be something I should be doing to this machine besides actually working. Whether it is updating drivers to make my hardware care about my software; or updating my software because what was sold to me to begin with was not quite right or…
Hobbyists are not always amateurs, in fact as someone said to me, do anything for fifty years you get reasonably good at it. The importance of hobbies is to have something you enjoy that takes your mind away from other things, to have that time when you concentrate on something ‘else’. Or when in doing…
When War Is An Answer
In the long and bloody battles of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, when half the male population o the UK of fighting age stretching over near twenty years, were slaughtered on land and sea all over Europe, the outcome was a final victory over the French and her Allies for the British and her Allies…
Two Hundred Pieces Of Nonsense
I have been writing these short pieces for two hundred days. In cyberspace this is cause for a celebration though I am pretty sure in the wider world where people think a little more clearly it is probably cause for nothing. I am often very tired when I write as my mother has bad nights…
Mobility and Freedom
Cars have , of course, been the greatest boon to liberation in the history of the human race. until the motor engine was created we were dependent upon the horse to get around and they are neither as swift, as dry in wet weather nor cheap to keep unless you own land enough to graze…
Thomas Love Peacock
Some of you asked for this as I mentioned it: LOVE AND AGE I play’d with you ‘mid cowslips blowing, When I was six and you were four; When garlands weaving, flower-balls throwing, Were pleasures soon to please no more. Through groves and meads, o’er grass and heather, With little playmates, to and fro, We…
The Loss Of Silence
I loved silent movies and still do. There was a programme on when I was a child hosted by Michael Bentine (an original member of the Goons) in which he introduced a silent movie or two every week. It was a must watch. It was during that time that I laughed with the Keystone Cops…
First Words
I am told, because I do not remember, the first complete sentence I ever said was ‘I’m fed up’ as I was sitting on the bottom of the staircase in one of mum’s many houses. The reason for this being so well remembered by everyone is because it is the exact first sentence my mother…
Love And Age
Actually the title is a very lovely poem by Thomas Love Peacock but my thoughts are more about what we construe to be love. I was always a little surprised at the few newspapers reports when I was a child (about two if I recall) of young men marrying sixty year old women – or…