It is everywhere, the endemic use of language to support a particular world view. I thought about this seeing someone ask if China was the greatest threat to the USA. Look at that word. Threat. Loaded with menace. It is filled with visions of ‘yellow men’ pouring out of tunnels to invade the USA. Challenge…
Can You Imagine
Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a photograph of Julius Caesar just after he landed in Briton standing with one of the ‘Prits’ by a flag of Imperial Rome? Or to see Michelangelo hammering away at some large piece of stone out of which is emerging a hand or a head? To hold a black…
We All Get Tired
After all isn’t that what coffee if for? Tiredness is a part of life, just as energy is its mainstay, and there is not a lot to choose between being physically tired from too much labouring or mentally tired from too much thinking. Life is an exhausting business, even for those of is us who…
Caught In The Rain
I remember a car enthusiast saying to me that given how badly people drive it is amazing how few accidents their really are on British roads. Drivers are always compensating for other drivers mistakes. Which is a skill since none of us choose who the drivers around us are or what medication they are on…
The Competition
Evolution is all about competing interests and (I say in an aside) the evolution of religions is proof positive evolution is a strong theory because our ideas evolve just as our bodies have done. Social networking is all about competing for people’s time, in fact the whole Internet sales regime is trying to attract one’s…
The Death Of Communism
Political ideas do not appear out of thin air. Marx himself thought the communal ideas he discussed would emerge naturally out of the industrialised countries as the population grew tired of boom and bust and the greed factor ruling the lives of the countries’ economies. There are those today who think Western countries will become…
The Politics Of Love
Aspects of our lives as communities grow up around us from generation to generation and we cease to think of the essence of the things and accept what we are presented as the thing itself. Politics is not about voting not about constitutions, these things are the mechanics and the Laws we have grown around…
The Play’s The Thing
I tend to think that stage acting is real acting and film acting is not. The reasons for this are easily explained: on stage you have to hold an audience for two hours or more in real time. It is all down to how convincing you are. On film performances are created on the cutting-room…
And Man Created Fire
There is a great yearning inside humanity for warmth. Warmth keeps us alive, makes us feel good and cures many aches and pains. Warmth is our emotional friend. And a certain amount of artificial warmth is always beneficial whether it be a log fire or a warm hot water bottle to warm your feet. But…
Gender Remix
My sister left home when I was nine and I inherited all her children’s annuals and was shown a world of fashion models, Christmas decorations and recipes. Which was rather bizarre as my boys annuals were a world of heroic cowboys, space rangers and fighter aircraft. So whilst I was trying to work out the…