The Hebrew bible story about the tower of Babel is an attempt to explain the different languages, and by extension, cultures of the human race. In many ways throughout the centuries thinkers have taken these differences as a rally cry to look at those aspects of human life that bring us together – as we…
I am told that Americans don’t do irony very well and it is one of the reasons why they don’t always enjoy British humour. So they probably wouldn’t see any irony in my saying Sarah Palin is a female Ronald Reagan but they do get angry at the fact that many ordinary people are suffering…
Where Politics Starts
I used to think that everything we do is political because politics starts with every interaction we have with the world outside our bodies. I am now of the opinion that this is naive because in actual fact, that is where ethics starts because we have to interact with the world around us in order…
The Right To Dream
People all around the world have discussed their rights for generations, which is another way of outlining their expectations vis-a-vis their relationship with others. But it worries me that these rights which have emerged through history as necessary concomitants to a healthy society have been clothed in the attractive garments of religion and even called…
Winter’s Fortune
The cold is here and I am happy to say we have a warm, enclosed fire going which as I write has been burning for four days. Momo my rescued little dog loves the fire and spends the day curled up on the softest chair nearby and in the evenings sometimes even gets up and…
Working Together
One of the joys of writing for children is sending my work to painters and asking them if they want to illustrate the books. To ask another mind to read the story and do their thing, with no preconditions or preconceptions – and see what they create. It isn’t just another layer or some pretty…
I was thinking about writing and the convoluted ways in which people go about ‘thinking’ over their plots and manipulating their characters pretentiously telling people that the ‘characters take over’, which is another way of saying you don’t know your own brain, when the whole concept of imagination made me leave writing all-together. People who…
A Political Animal
Years ago I remember listing to a man outside a party conference talking about a particular clause in the party’s governing instruments and what it meant and my mother saying, ‘Now he’s a political animal’. He was wholly immersed in the entire process of politics and knew it backwards from procedure to implementation. Political parties…
Fantasy Writing
I have always enjoyed writing children’s stories, in much the same was as I enjoyed reading them when I was child, because I never quite know what is going to happen next. Writing as I go along is not something everyone would wish to do but much the same way as I never understand people…
Learning By Infusion
Babies of all species have to learn from their parents and their peers. We used to simply have to learn the art of survival, which berries to eat, how to hunt, how to cook, where it was safe to sleep, but the learning experience has become far more sophisticated over the millenniums. Yet like all…