I started to to try to keep some bees with a swarm of black Cornish bees given to me last March. Being me I wanted to do things differently and am trying to work to have healthy bees more than honey, so I instinctively dislike the idea of feeding them sugar and stealing as…
How Little We Have Become
The politics of today has the same round of ever increasing growth. We know that to continue growing without destroying the habitability of large tracks of the planet we will have to mind asteroids and other planets. In other words that the system of plunder we have grown so accustomed to will continue. Unless and…
So much for intelligence
Dogma is a dangerous thing. Our new chancellor is a high academic achiever who has studied history and studied economics. Yet he has laid the entire country low because he believes people who have money invest it in businesses that create jobs. Whereas the truth of the matter is they invest their money with people…
If Freedom
I have been thinking about freedom in the West – and where it exists elsewhere – and I have found only 4 freedoms I can identify. We all have the freedom the think – at whatever level we attain. In the Western, liberal world we have the essential freedom of speech. The right to speak…
The Battle Of Bytes
I have been reading of the latest round of interventions by the large Media groups so stop people pirating their goods and believe there is an interesting and very human dynamic that has not been well explored on the Internet. The act of sharing – taking a piece of music or software – and physically…
If Not A Writer Then …
I have often thought if I had not chosen to be a writer then I would have been everything else. The research I used to do in libraries every week, having a list of things to find out, the constant need for encyclopedias and reference books makes a writer a jack-of-all-trades and master of one….
A Cartoon Life
It is easy to mock those who lead us, as easy to rant against the tyrannical leaders of others. To a great degree the mocking is necessary both for us and them, for its brings them down-a-peg and it gives us a form of power over the powerful. Cartooning a situation is so much of…
Katherine Philips (1631-1664)
Friendship’s Mystery, To my Dearest Lucasia Come, my Lucasia, since we see That Miracles Mens faith do move, By wonder and by prodigy To the dull angry world let’s prove There’s a Religion in our Love. For though we were design’d t’ agree, That Fate no liberty destroyes, But our Election is as free As…
The Fight For Peace
It is a strange aspect of our existence that we do one thing because we hope for the exact opposite. In fact we do the thing for that reason; so we go to war, so that we can have peace. At least that is what we do these days. But in other times that was…
Ancient And Modern
We live in interesting times. A sentiment that can be justifiably expressed by every human being all over the world throughout history. As if we are impressed that anything should be happening whilst we are alive. But we are all living history and not just in the political and nation-state senses. Physicists test out their…