missing her mother: Epitaph by Merrit Malloy When I die Give what’s left of me away To children And old men that wait to die. And if you need to cry, Cry for your brother Walking the street beside you. And when you need me, Put your arms Around anyone And give them…
The Horizon
It amazes me – and many other people – that leaders around the world are still worrying about economies and how to get growth into their balance sheets. I understand those who are fascists and religious nuts we have always had them. But the greatest threat to civil society and entire countries is the climate…
A Universe to Understand
I used to hope we could crack the Grand Universal Theory in my lifetime so I could at least ‘know’. But now it seems it may not even be one universe, and there are an infinite number of me’s (some people would find that horrendous) many of whom are tying at this moment. I hope…
I do find monarchies difficult to understand. I think it is because I have no empathy with worshipping images and devotion to monarchy is all about image. In history they have been sallow, intelligent but brutal, selfish, and to body politic dangerous. Today in England they have a retinue if immense privilege but have been…
Damn Phones
Mislaid my Samsung android. Not in the house. Not on the floor. Not in the car. I have one more place to look and if it isn’t there I must have dropped it somewhere outdoors but I don’t know how. I had it with me when I actually arrived home yesterday. In the meantime if…
Patience Has A Way or Burning
You can wait. It isn’t a bad thing to do though the years can roll by. But better by far than those who think they have to experience and become rich by forty because they are hell to be around. Like Bolsinaro in Brazil busy killing trees and animals and plants the exotic compounds in…
My Country is Broken
Most are but in 2016 every racist in the UK voted to leave the European Union. Enough people joined with them to give them a slim majority of those who voted. They assisted in the country doing what every racist in its borders wanted it to do. In the lead up to this hideous fact…
The new government here in the UK has just created the worst first week in office in living memory. The man and woman in charge of this huge upset to people’s lives are both educated to degree and PhD level so it isn’t lack of intelligence. The Chancellor’s economic qualification was a thesis on the…
These Misty Mornings
Something lovely about walking in wellington boots across my field and garden this time of year. You can see where I have been and how high I lift my feet by the darker green trail trail left in the grass where I have unsettled the dew. It is as distinctive as seeing birds’ feet in…
We are the Music Makers
There is a long poems of which most people who know it remember the first three stanzas. It is very beautiful and in its way reflects much of what I think of poetry: We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams. World-losers and world-forsakers, Upon whom the pale…