I started online in 1998 and was taught about the Internet and how computers worked by several people who helped develop them. These were the days just before business started to sell online. I learned several things one of which was the idea of security online is a bit farcical. Today they have even jumped…
Lewis Carroll
I read Alice in Wonderland and Alice through the Looking Glass many years ago from a facsimile edition of the first ones ever published with the original artwork. I remember liking the Disney version as a kid. So it was with great sadness I learned of his probably paedophiliac tendency towards the daughters of his…
Energy is the New Economics
Politicians were used to the adage ‘it’s the economy stupid’ whenever they were asked what the most important element of ay election was; and even dictators fall if the people find they cannot afford to buy anything. But that is changing. Mostly because the fact that if everything has to be bought then nothing is…
Iran Bleeds
One war leads to another and one revolution leads to another. Iran is in turmoil and the religious leadership, preaching the path of peace (one assumes), slaughters its young because, as we all know, religious leaders know best and fighting the sinful requests of democratic freedoms always has been an article of Islamic faith. I…
It’s Raining
Again. You would have thought that last Saturday with all the rain when I passed the reservoir here it would have been full but no … it was lower than i have ever seen it and I was told it was 15% full. Parts of it looked like marsh and nothing more. It now stands…
If Only They Knew
When the Romans were deep into empire building rampaging through Europe and subjugating the Gauls, the Goths, the Pritons (the original name for the Britons) and others the Chinese had discovered gunpowder and were having great fun at festivals. Had gunpowder travelled to Europe the Romans would have been stropped in their tracks. History is…
Funding the Arts
National governments started giving money to artists in recent history. They replaced to some extent private patrons by becoming a patron themselves, and they give their money with more stri9ngs attached than private patrons ever did and all of those str9ngs are to do with how society sees itself and nothing to do with art…
People leave their towns to get work, their countries to find a better standard of life. They leave because they are frightened, because they have been thrown out, because war has made them refugees but no one leaves because they are contented, The global finance system leaves some countries able to provide a better standard…
Because anti-Semites are always pretty open about why the dislike/hate/want to see dead Jewish people. and because they give many answers as to why, people tend to think anti-Semitism is a complex issue. If you travel in the far east you won’t find anti-Semitism in Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Jainism. Sikhism the Bahai or any of…
Watching the Rain at Treknow
If you ever watch the rain Sweep across a great high plain Of damp green fields and bent-backward trees, Where seagulls’ wings are taut with breeze, And gusts of wind cut you in half Near a Cornish cow and her soft calf – Almost blown across a field – Where it seems impossible to build…