The definition of battlefield nuclear weapons is a weapon that can be deployed by a vehicle of an individual in the theatre of war. In other words no need for a missile. Elwood thinks we are likely to see this in the next five year – that is we are likely to see one used….
World Bank
The mission is to eradicate poverty and keep the planet healthy. But you cannot do that using the present economic value system. If you need to invest money to get people motivated to do ‘anything’ you have already lost your mission. The reason is very simple. People who only do something together because they are…
Parental Influence
So many children take after their parents – myself included I am only an editor because of my mother – that is sometimes becomes easy to answer the nature/nurture question. I was thinking of this when I heard music written by Bach’s son. It was delightful and very professional. Of course there are thousands of…
Fraud is Rife
and always has been but today even moving your own money around takes a phone call, codes, mobile numbers to prove who you are to the voice on the other end to whom you are just a voice, and then minutes to go through the computerese they have to go through. It seems the world…
Deep Sea
I was fascinated by the images that came back from the deep sea explorations and seeing the sea creatures that could light their own way and those that used hooks to capture their prey like a living fishing rod. I say sea creatures because saying fish is like saying land animal – it is not…
Damage Limitation
The Conservative Party here in the UK is in damage limitation mode certain to d badly in the local elections this May and then having a few weeks to decide of they want to change leader again before a General Election. The two foundations of the party are to keep the monarch and stay in…
My tradition is to have a weak cup of tea in the morning. When I was sent away to boarding school for eighteen months when I was 9 I stopped taking sugar in my tea – I have no memory why. When I had high blood pressure after the age of fifty I stopped taking…
Wild was the day – Wilder still the night – Bright was the sun – Brighter still the stars – Wild was our love Still wilder our despair – Wilder still our words Birds that we were Eagles both of us – Wild on the wing – Wilder still our flight – Thro’ the wild…
Useful spftware
Inkscape is a very useful free programme from source forge (an open source website for the most part). It creates the actual readable barcode from those provided to FootSteps from the allocation authority here in the UK, Nielsen’s. The barcodes are given as .svg files which are vector images so you can make them bigger…
Space Food
Astronauts have to eat all that dehydrated picketed food which I am sure contains all the nutrients they need for space missions but can get very boring. And using magnets to keep the foil wrapped edibles on a tray seems … well unusual to say the least. Why have a tray? But living in the…