The world is messy. Nature is messy. Not in the sense of chaotic, there are huge amounts of order, but in terms of the admixture of characteristics and outcomes. Shapes and types of emotions. Expectations and some downright luck. And into the messy nature we think we can parachute absolutes and have them make sense….
On A Walk with Rusty
I walked upon the beach at Daymer Bay With Rusty by my side as dawn arose And somewhere in that dawn, we touched a day Where sea, and dog and man could still compose A song that all of nature could complete; Whose harmonies within the hollow shells And Undulating dunes beside bare feet Sang…
Conflict and Countries
Every country in the world has create itself through internal and external wars. No matter how small or large. The history of armed warfare is the history of the human race and much of the better side of humanity – the hopes for peace, the wisdom of civil society, the ethics of laws and trade…
I don’t know about the rest of you but when I am in a car by myself i usually start singing at some stage. today on a six hour journey to London i did a bit more than usual and started to make songs up based on the road signs. Rhyming became optional the more…
The dash for celebrity brings with it a mass of hangers-on whose main interest is their own and using the names to bring in investment. It gets to such a degree f vanity that they think celebrities expect it and don’t even trouble themselves about using another person without seeing or dealing with the person….
I had to Smile
Someone on linked In made the comment that capitalism would never go away. Given that it is a system and all systems made by human beings fail at some point, given that it relies upon relentless growth on a finite planet and given that book-and-bust cycles are inherent to the system, H suggested people would…
What Is Innocence?
In Blueskin the Cat, a children’s book, a reviewer said she stopped reading in the first few pages because it talked about a hanging. It was not a subject she would ever allow her children to know about. The hanging is seen by a cat who is a reincarnation of the hanged man, and the…
I met a psychology student on set yesterday and we talked and while talking I said one of the challenges of research on the human brain is to find out why we make up stories about what it is to be human. She asked me what we had made up. I immediately replied god then…
The Most Difficult Task
I decided almost as soon as she died tow rite my mother’s life story. But for it to be a literary biography, while the day-to-day inquiry may be left to future historians of English poetry, I was helped by her own writings about her childhood and life, by hundreds of letters from husbands, friends and…
The Politics Of Jobs
We are all familiar with the odd fact that people who use their brains more than their bodies tend to get paid more (lawyers over factory workers for example) which instantly should give one to understand using ones brain is seen as more significant than using one’s body. Though the anomaly is that using ones…