Over at linked-in they seem to regularly want people to come up with an all embracing, pithy line to help them garner clients. I am so glad I don’t have to try this but I share today the funny side of my family. My aunts and uncles like all aunts and uncles, have certain characteristics…
The Left And Right Hand
America, I am told, is in the middle of her census. It is the business of government to know what its citizens need, their demographic, so it can apportion funding to all the myriad things society needs funded. The information, though, can be used to check up on citizens, uncover frauds, discover frauds and generally…
It is a funny thing about distance. Sometimes we feel that those we love or know are far away because they are in the next town, or the big city or another country. In older days when horses were the only form of speedy travel to be in another county was days away. Now to…
Train Journeys
The first I recall I was 9 on my way home from school in my uniform in those old six seater carriages with white doilies on the head rests. I wanted a cup of tea and when the steward opened the door and announced refreshments were now available this little 9 year old piped up,…
Moving With The Seasons
Birds migrate for warmth and breeding. Vast herds cross snow, ice and rivers across whole continents in time with seasons. Human beings have inhabited the whole Earth but we are not naturally a migratory species. We can make almost any place an all-year-round home. Yet in the past there have been huge tribal migrations as…
Will It Save The World If I Sneeze?
Of course the world needs saving. It has needed saving since forever. Long before whalers would slaughter gentle animals like the giant turtle and sea lion without cease. Before Cicero was appalled at the slaughter of fifty elephants in one games in the Roman Arena, or Seneca had to pretend not to prefer being a…
Light And God
My physics friend at University (don’t laugh we all had one) told me in his text books they a quote ‘And god said…” followed by the four equations Maxwell wrote on the nature of light. It made me think about the relationship between god and science in our minds. Of course if science is correct…
Enid Blyton
I used to love to read Blyton books and vividly remember being bought 3 all at once and feeling myself very rich. Most of the time I had to trawl through the second hand shops (one I remember as the bus ride never stopped there, you had to cross a subway and walk down a…
I Have Been Asked
to do a podcast. The time will be 9.30 am EST Thursday 25th March 2010, about 2.30pm here in the UK (how civilised my first intervene and I will be awake after lunch!) The link is: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/internetbusinesspeoplecafe He is a nice man who even suggested he would interview off air and record it and play…
Mobile History
Human beings love to communicate. It will be one of the great discoveries to find out which came first the voice or the brain. Through stele, scrolls and printing presses to the internet, telephone and radio phone we will develop our ability to communicate easily with each other anywhere in the world and one day…