Sitting on the motorway coming home at 3 am in the morning with a police car flashing everything in front of us and displaying a continuous ‘STAY BACK’ and all three lanes coming to a slow stop for half an hour, was a new experience. <y Canadian friend said he had never seen a police…
The Ascent of Dissent
Most of my education and certainly my university days were spent discussing, even arguing with people and very often being shown the errors in my thinking. It is interesting to find yourself on opposite sides with people who meet daily and have classes with, or debate with, and how familiar they become and how you…
This is the Mystery
Self-awareness. What is the ‘I’ when we use it? Whatever this idea of self is it has given rise in tandem with ego and vanity to absurd religious concepts that we are the centre of the universe and were made by a divinity. It also transfers itself to a belief that ‘we are right’ when…
The Right Key Combinations
I recently – yesterday o be exact – was typing too fast as usual and managed to override the one key tap to load certain programmes like the browser and open office and instead had to press the function key first and then the right key. It annoyed me to have to press two keys…
There is a desire in social media to get your meme out to as many people as you can. This includes advertising but if you are selling your work what I am going to write does not include you. Putting up a statement and having people share it is all well-and-good if the statement has…
Trickle Down
Much like monetarism suddenly becoming liberal democracy when it proved it didn’t work ‘trickle down’ is not something people say much anymore. They still say it is the entrepreneur who makes the wealth of a country though I recall Thatcher’s brutality was made possible by the Scottish oil fields while the Scots got very little…
The Problem with a Meme
Some are funny and there is no argument against them particularly, people need amusing distractions. But some of the images and wording of facebook and other places are bold statements with no references and no balance and certainly no attempt to be fair-minded. This is a problem. When I sat my interview for college I…
I know spring is the time to clean the house, and I don’t even have a very big place, but I have not really cleansed it except in the middle for a year or more. Now I have friends who want to stay I started by cleaning the outside windows yesterday and the shower room…
We Handle Money Badly
The money system will always make wealthy people and poor people. Money has no ethics unless we put them into the system, otherwise it only wants to make more of itself. It allows avarice and vanity and greed to be rewarded even when laws are broken and people are hurt. It is ludicrous in a…
Tonight in the World
North Korean troops onto the Russian front against Ukraine. If any one thing marks the beginning of the end for the totalitarian regime in North Korea, it is this. Ukraine will not forget this betrayal by a country so far away. This is repayment of the Russian support for China/Korea in the Korean war. Meanwhile…