The thrust of business (free market or otherwise) is to make the greatest number of people buy the greatest number of the same things. The business system is also deigned to ensure we keep buying by depriving people of the means to grow their own food (which it seems to me most people are reluctant…
What Does Your World Look Like?
There are around the world hundreds of eruptions every year. We don’t know about them because for the most part they happen under water. If you have never seen the films of these eruptions I would suggest you try to hunt one down because it is a very weird thing to see steam created on…
Hamlet And The Lars Larson Show
I remember when we were studying Hamlet at school our master asking us to list all the people who died in the play and then asking us if it would have been better if Hamlet had said and done nothing. It was a hard question because we could all see from the plot it is…
There is something insistent in our need to communicate. An endless desire to be understood. And languages reflect our needs and desires starting off being quite small and growing as we grow, like flowers opening their petals as the sun rises. Many years ago they started looking closely at philology in Europe and the ways…
New Born
The calves in their fluffy smallness are in the fields this time of year. We had the lambs specially reared for the Easter food market last month. We are actually quite lucky here that the farmers tend to keep the mothers and babies together in the field. It is not the usual way with modern…
Mind Altering Drugs
Since my sister has tried everything in the world (so I am told) and lives in a haze of marijuana, I do wonder why people seek mind altering experiences through chemicals in plants. I do have an understanding that artists have often tried these things, and religious shamans have used them for centuries to great…
Art On Disc
Many years ago I was discussing with a painter the longevity of paintings. It was at the same time I was being introduced to the Book Arts and learning how the Book of Kells was dug out of a bog in Ireland and its illuminations still resound throughout Europe after a thousand years. And we…
They have always been fascinating, haven’t they? I wonder what the first people to have silver backed glass and not bronze, copper and water to look at themselves upon really thought? Maybe a few screams? Must have been interesting to know they could now dress up and paint on their own makeup. I was given…
Love In Old Age
Your eyes speak of my youth and my hand holds Yours with that ease of emotion only Years can grow; suppleness has changed to folds, Wrinkles crease our nakedness, laughingly The young would fun – what do they know? Your breasts Suckled our children (and me once or twice), And now our skins are thin,…
Lose Yourself
I have heard people say the more you lose yourself the more you find out who you really are. Since it is impossible to actually lose oneself, because whatever process one goes through to do so one is always one, I am guessing what they really mean is disconnect yourself from the life you have…