I have in passing made distinctions between people who are active in the arts world and people who are Artists. Whether musicians, sculptors, poets etc. Perhaps I should say what I think I know about Artists, in whatever art form they are found. Artists are driven people. If they have other work, if they make…
Such Books As Minds Are Of
We are what we read. It plays both ways of course because there comes a time when we read only what we want too because that seduces our assumptions. But a good deal of how we view the world comes through ideas we may not have had ourselves when we were young, thoughts and opinions…
Catch A Falling Star
I was involved in a discussion about supporting your children in their dreams, no matter what those dreams are. I looked back on my childhood and remember my mother being very positive about all the things I hoped to do, and in the interplay of families I took on a few of her dreams too….
The Bonds Of Thought
Since every human being every born has lived their life on this planet it should not be surprising that people’s around the world have often thought the same things. From gods to tyrants it seems there is a unity in history that crosses the continents and only breaks down when you arrive at isolated tribes…
I Did Not Die, Did You?
The art of acting for me is very much on a stage in front of a living audience that you have to engage for two hours. I do not hold film acting up as the pinnacle of acting or even as very good acting. There are film actors ( a few) I can see would…
Good Morning Mr.Fox
Getting up early these days to take the dogs for a walk – I say dogs but my terrier has decided this is just too early and wraps up on the chair and refuses to move – I have started to see foxes. Or maybe just the one fox, in and around the fields. A…
The Body Beautiful
Mapping the human genome project finally finished two years ago, and now we can map our individual genetic make-up. Giving medical science the ability to tell us what is wrong with so much as a single cell in the next few years. I am sure the Greeks of the sixth century BCE would view this…
Children Of The Sea
I love sea horses. I am sure it is because of their heads because I even loved them after I saw all the different kinds of sea horse there are even to those that look like bits of floating seaweed. And I was very interested when learning about their habits that the male and female…
When Do We Become Who We Are?
I was always amazed at my mother’s ability to sum people up when I was young. Not the least when she met my friends and would tell me how they were likely to react in certain situations. And I recall how many people see ‘character traits’ in toddlers and how people say of adults ‘oh…
Watch Me!
What makes us want to entertain each other? I don’t mean so much today with the huge amounts of money involved or the international recognition of one’s face, it would seem to me to be fairly easy to see that as a self-affirmation exercise. But what makes someone want to travel dusty roads and fetch…