A Brief History of Lies by Daniel Nanavati Release Date: 1st Jun 2010 Publisher: Footsteps Press ISBN: 978 1 4457 6849 6 RRP: £6.50 This is what you get when an author can’t decide if their book is “funny” or “serious”… An unashamedly unabashed subtitle proclaims this non-fiction title to be “The Most Brilliant Book…
San Fransisco Review Of Books
A Brief History of Lies: The Most Brilliant Book Ever Written Filed in Featured-NonFiction, Humor – Nonfiction on June 30, 2010 with no comments By Daniel Nanavati CreateSpace, $8.00, 100 pages Everybody lies. We lie to protect ourselves, to protect others, to prevent hurt feelings, to get what we want, to stay out of trouble….
War Is A Gain
A long time ago when talking about humanity’s endless round of wars a professor said ‘men love war and women love warriors’, and suggested it will alway be with us. Excavations of a lost city in central America have suggested not only is this the oldest city ever found, but that it was a major…
Writing For Children
I knew I wanted to write for children when I was fourteen. I think it was the absolute joy of finding all those fairytales, reading C.S.Lewis and Hugh Lofting, J.R.R.Tolkien, Hans Christian Andersen, and the amazing fables of Greece, Rome and India. I think I still loved those kinds of stories in my adult life…
One Liners
I have a penchant for comedians with one liners that make one laugh. From the strange to the bizarre. Even old Bob Hope can make me smile sometimes. I recall Steven Wright saying he had just put a skylight in his new apartment and that the people upstairs were furious. There is something about making…
I Will If You Will
The Western world is very keen to discuss individuality as long as it falls within certain parameters.To show your individuality as entrepreneurship is hotly advocated, but individuality that dissents from the norms is degenerated. I have often wondered where these norms comes from as they change over the generations (you only have to look at…
What Is Beauty?
We are not obsessed by beauty but we are very attracted to what we perceive as beautiful. I first realised this forceably when watching a programme about Madagascar and the lemurs and the different status of lemurs amongst the local population. There came on screen a black lemur that was a little ugly in the…
The Small And The Immense
I was struck when I learned about the atom – that most of it is empty space. Electrons and protons circling at a distance a nucleus. And I vividly remember thinking how like the Universe it was: things in orbits, forces in play, unceasing motion and mostly . . . emptiness. I doubt there are…
Wet Dogs And Sleepless Nights
Yesterday it really rained for the first time in weeks and my rough collie, ever the eighteen month old lady, sat in the garden playing pull the garden hose (the lovely roll I make is now a squiggly mess around the flower beds) and was thoroughly drenched. Even after a hearty rub with the large…
Memories Are Made Of This
As early as the fifth century BCE the Greeks were making the most of their memory by creating the technique of imagining a room, and assigning the things they have to remember to the objects in the room. The technique is successful for two reasons: the room is one you already know well and the…