Throughout thousands of years we as a species have argued to limit outright warfare. We have attempted to limit the devastation brought to bear on people not involved in the conflict and these arguments and discussions are vital to the future of the species. I have no argument against them per se. But with Israel…
Author: Daniel
There is no doubt now, if we didn’t know before, that Putin and his lackeys miss the old Soviet hegemony or as we like to call it, dictatorships, that gave them buffer zones of entire other countries against Germany invading again. They also entered an arms’ race with NATO selling an invasion by NATO to…
The Way We Build
In the past here in the UK we have built estates and people’s houses on top of used landfill, giving them an inch of top soil before they start to dig into the compacted waste and denying them a garden; we have built on flood plains because they are near cities and people have to…
America Land of the Fleeing
There has been a list of articles and videos about Americans leaving the US after the recent election. From what I can see 500,000 Americans live and work in the UK but coming here as a citizen would mean giving up your American passport (and swearing allegiance to the Monarchy). Americans seem to favour New…
Back to Dogs
So I picked up Rusty today to help look after him while his owner is in hospital having fallen down stairs and hurt her neck. He is fun to go for long walks with as he is never far away from me. I am reminded that dogs have been around humans for thousands of years….
The Race to Disaster
The conversation on set today surrounded the problems we face with rampant capitalism. With the brainwashing that the monetary system is somehow unlike every other system, written in stone. That people have expectations of where they should financially be at each decade of their lives and those expectations are written by those taking their money…
Just Wait
With power comes responsibility and Trump and his followers have none but to themselves. But selfishness only goes one way and Trump will look after those he knows and his family, he will sell out everyone else. That is his way and always has been. He is going to gloat over the entire world and…
The Quality of Mercy
There is a cadence in war where each side wants absolute victory. In the past this had led to such things as the utter destruction of Hittite cities and the seeding of the land in and around Carthage with salt to the complete victory doctrine of World War 2 against the Nazis. Against this war…
Holographic Universe
I have held several discussions about this theory that what we experience is created around us in real time and does not otherwise exist. One of the justifications for believing this theory (from non-physicists) is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light so quantum entanglement cannot exist. The inability to bring the…
People Posting
I read an American critic on linkedin that said Biden was not wise to allow Ukraine to shoot rockets into Russia and one of the reasons he made the decision was because he didn’t know Russia had long range missiles. I mention this as one of the absurd things one reads in posts – didn’t…