I listen to the men and women around the world hitting out against welfare state and free health care, espousing the glories of fighting for the dollar in your pocket and never giving a damn about the poor and oppressed, and how this money world is tying every country to its boots and I think:…
Author: Daniel
Nazi Jihadi
I heard a podcast today condemning the west for its moral vacuity in not making Jihad as unacceptable as Nazism. The argument seemed to be we had an international moral code espoused in the Nuremberg Trials which is wholly lacking when dealing with murderous Jihadis. The Nuremberg Trials were not trials about war. Not actually…
The World Turns
I don’t like John Major. He spent a significant part of the 1980s cosying up yo Margaret Thatcher and theĀ decisions he made harmed a great many poor people as she paved the way for the crash of 2008 and the rise of the fascists in Europe. But today, as an old man, he spoke…
I used to enjoy
Any Questions, a radio 4 programme that had four panellists answer questions from the public. They toured the UK coming from a different place each week and had as well as politicians, local personalities on the panels. Then Jonathan Dimbleby took over as the chair and started by speaking for ten minutes and taking away…
is the estimated number of Nazi party members who were not arrested, hanged or imprisoned after WW2. The clever ones were taken to the USA to work on rocket science among other things because they were virulently anti-Russian. The less clever ones went to Egypt and other Middle East countries to advise on how to…
for over 100 years
in the Middle East two wars have brewed and broken out. They are so enmeshed that people do not immediately see the distinction. There is the war we all see about Arabs wanting to go home and being denied and being kept in the permanent state of ‘refugees, even when they have passports from other…
Throwing it up in the air
The reason international politics doesn’t like things to be thrown around and ideas to come out of the blue is because politicians are afraid of being called upon to make decisions without care and attention and long deliberation. It is unnerving but also dangerous – they get enough wrong after thinking about it how bad…
Systems that are broken
There are many. Among them I would place the fact that tariffs in the US raise a lot of money for the tax office but that money seems to be in the gift of the President. He does not have to go to Congress to ask permission to spend it. I have no idea how…
I used this word because I was told three lies (small maybe but lies) about a person and the reactions of others to him and about another colleague and what she said about another woman. I call the person out who lied to me and she shared my email to her with others. The result…
Words Betray
Donald Trump openly said that when they leave so Gaza can be rebuilt they won’t want to go back – why would they? He then says we will make it a seaside destination. He wants the US to have a series of his hotels where so much blood has been spilled in the past decades…