In March 2002 on the lane outside my then home, I found a dog wandering. At first I was just going to call the charity but I could see she was cold and scared. So chocolate biscuit in hand and with my collie by my side we stood close to her and spoke softly. She…
Author: Daniel
The Jew haters
of the world, of which there are many, are living a thousand years in the past. They still think they can carry out pogroms with impunity, that they can kill at a whim, that they can spew hate and teach hate for no other reason then the Jewish people worship differently and there is no…
A New Saying
In a world of lies the quiet person is king, the honest person is crucified. I have been shocked by the immature attempts and the sophisticated attempts, to pervert honesty. The default to lying to get your way, or lying to obscure the truth, is so prevalent today it is difficult to come to conclusions…
Myth Making
Over thousands of years people have had questions and few answers – what is lightning? floods? earthquakes? – and the natural sense of powerlessness in the face of such has led people to be susceptible to anyone who claims they have the answers. Those people started the history of human and animal sacrifice, the idea…
Back in the Day
the world wide web was conceived as a resource for information and having been created by scientists the idea that false information should be shared was not even in their minds. Mistaken data that needed to be corrected by others but the inspiration was it would become an international resource even more important than libraries…
When Russia invaded Ukraine and I said to my friends that we were all going ti tested now. At the time I thought of the normal course of wars but I, along with the rest of the world, was amazed at the strength of the Ukrainians. It reminded me of Churchill telling the USA ‘give…
Books it is
The last few weeks as part of the probate process and gathering the assets of a friends, I have been tasked with moving his library to a safer place, out of the damp and ready to be put into some kind of order. He was an artist and editor working from the early 1960s through…
Lost Not Lost
Yesterday evening the dog I am looking after chased after a cat down the lane. I called him back and he appeared and so I thought he was safe and turned my back. Ten minutes later I began to wonder where he was and whistled and called. Nothing. So, torch in hand I walked down…
We are at War
Culture has been under attack for decades from the money-men wanting to make art a part of their investments and not caring a damn about the place of the visual experience and enjoyment of skill and vision among the general population. They have run rough-shod over peoples’ image of themselves as a country and in…
Animal or No?
The entire history of the human race as far as we know of it, is a continual battle between our animal selves and the growing intellectual might of our brains. There was never an advantage in going to war but our animal selves wanted land, conquest, wealth; all of which add to personal power. Personal…