in the Middle East two wars have brewed and broken out. They are so enmeshed that people do not immediately see the distinction.
There is the war we all see about Arabs wanting to go home and being denied and being kept in the permanent state of ‘refugees, even when they have passports from other countries. Then there is the main war which informs and prolongs this hang-over from WW2, the religious war. The Islamic war against the Jewish people. The war that takes its energy from Mohammed’s teachings about Jewish people, the war that underpins everything said in defence of the refugees.
The Jewish people stole nothing, Islam did in 632. By 1948 every inch of land upon which the Jewish people lived had been purchased, with much if it never inhabited. By 1961 more Jewish people had been thrown out of Arab countries than Arabs were ever thrown out in the formation of Israel. But in the religious war facts don’t matter except for one: the two religions that could not exist but for Judaism and the Jewish people have perpetuated a hatred of the Jewish people in defiance of the precepts of their beliefs.