There is a theory that democratic governments tend towards a liberalism that produces a kick-back into a more authoritarian regime, which it turn tends towards such extreme totalitarianism that a rebellion produces a more democratic government. This natural political barometer has been seen in part in Syria helped in large measure by outside factors, and could be seen as what has happened in the US. Except the forces in play in the US are muddied by the power of money.
Here we see public opinion, which has never been a good measure of much, has been manipulated by media, the owners of which have played on the natural tendencies of people not to believe their own eyes, not to trust the intellectuals whom they find it hard to understand, and on their fears of the ‘other’, blaming the monetary system’s hardships not on the system itself and how it is managed, but on neighbours.
This is a tragedy of ignorance which has, like the climate changes, been forced upon the system before its natural time. The outcome of both will be catastrophic.