It is not TV, nor films. It is a way of thinking.
Political landscapes develop over time at different speeds and depend upon the prevailing thinking. That fluctuates across generations and is not a steady progression but it is a steady change, no generation is exactly as the one that precedes it. Many times this way of thinking is hidden in the idiom people employ in their language, as language develops along with the culture; in fact they inform each other. But culture is far more ingrained than the things we use to distract our attention but it is reflected in those things. Like the games we choose to play, the lies we choose to give, the laws we fight to enact.
Culture is an evolution in our thinking. It may become extinct for any number of reasons and it will evolve into something our ancestors would not recognise. And contrasting cultures has no relevance to better or worse until we begin to discourse about rights, human and animal, in terms of this thinking. That is when culture itself changes into civilisation.