The idea that we do not see the world as it is because the brain puts the images together is not new. The idea that because of this we are not seeing reality , is. Firstly we know how lenses work and we are aware that an image is upside down in the brain as the light goes through the eye and the brain then puts it the right way up, we are also aware that colours are seen differently by different people but here’s the thing – the brain puts it the right way up because otherwise we could not navigate what is there and the colours are corrected because light is diffracted at differing wavelengths dependent upon what it is they hit.
That mean that reality is put together in our brains not invented by our brains. The difference is staggering. Gerard’t Hooft’s original theory was that the universe the eye sees and we experience is actually created from 2 dimensional coding which goes someway to closing the theoretical gap between observable reality and quantum entanglement. But only someway. And this creation from coding sure hits harder than a light created hologram so it is certainly different and not the same.