Every country in the world has create itself through internal and external wars. No matter how small or large. The history of armed warfare is the history of the human race and much of the better side of humanity – the hopes for peace, the wisdom of civil society, the ethics of laws and trade – stem from a reaction to the war not vice-versa. The entire history of the ‘just war’ debate is not only ludicrous in itself, but it comes from a devout wish for war to cease. Its brutality and horror are etched in every family tree.
The UN is the latest in a long line of attempts to limit warfare but it was hamstrung from the beginning because men and woman are not ready for what peace means. It is not simply the end of fighting. It is the end of wanting to fight. It is the end of the ‘strong-man’, it is the end of leaders, kings and despots and it is the end of the peacetime warfare of international markets vying for profits at the others’ expense.