I have been asked about Shänne Sands who is an unknow poet and why I quote her work so often. The best answer I am able to give is a critique of her work from poetry professor in America i who read the five selections of her work published in 2011:
‘… I find your mother’s poems speak more than Yeats to today’s world. I hear the voice of Emily Dickinson, but the imagery is more of what society can respond to and understand in their bones. I think your mother has the voice of Dickinson but better, and also the loaded details of a T.S. Eliot. Although Yeats is a favorite of mine, and I enjoy teaching him, he is a bit out there with his gyre and allusiveness and devotion to Dublin. Your mother is here and now in her poetry, and her imagery and diction resonate like lightning throughout the senses. Your mother is a master of tone and as gritty as sand as the words awaken the dullness of our senses and make us feel the world about us, its sadness, its joys, death and life.’