Despite the legal articles on genocide being very clear on intent, the charge is still inveighed against the Israeli military in Gaza. In 1945 the Allies felt they had seen something new which needed to be defined and they decided that the deliberate attempt in whole or in part to massacre an entire ethnic group was more than just mass -murder. So we came to a position where all genocide is mass murder but not all mass murder is genocide.
But lets have that conversation. Lets agree that all war is genocide, because every death is the end of the universe for that person. Then lets all see how we all have been built on war and our traditions and histories as countries are saturated with war. Lets see if having that conversation and being all guilty, we can start to do away with war in its totality. Because until we do there will always be mass murders like those in Gaza, Sudan, China, Ukraine, Yemen, Myanmar, Guinea… the list goes on.