We kill our saints and suffer our tyrants. It is an old adage but in the light of the shooting of Donald Trump I can hear the conspiracy theories now.
The shooter was set up to wound not kill and thought he would live.
The shooter was seen on ranges and wouldn’t have missed.
The secret service set it up so he would get his shot.
Trump knew about it and moved forward at the appropriate moment for a shot to the shoulder which was protected but it hit his ear.
Melania and the man she is having an affair with was responsible (allegedly)
Biden was responsible because it is the only way he would win.
Putin was responsible because Trump will demand peace and not give him the whole of Ukraine.
The shooter was born in Russia / China. Add anything you like to that.
The man who shot the shooter was supposed to be off duty that day so why was he there?
The man who was shot on the roof didn’t do the shooting they spirited the bullet away the shot came from a grassy knoll.