You can wait. It isn’t a bad thing to do though the years can roll by. But better by far than those who think they have to experience and become rich by forty because they are hell to be around. Like Bolsinaro in Brazil busy killing trees and animals and plants the exotic compounds in which could cure diseases we have yet to suffer and all for McDonalds and cheap farm land. A hideous man.
Like those who believe the market can sort out everything and drive prices down. Where are the ethics in that? Human beings are so deprived of ethical thinking in their everyday that there are still laws on how food can be made so we don’t have chalk in the flour or poisonous additives but we still have artificial stimulant to entice us to buy. Laws which everywhere you look limit free markets because human beings cannot be trusted. Mt friend just bought a car with four tyres that should not have been on the road. A life chanced so a mechanic could make more money. This is the system we adhere to, work for, die within.