At this time of year the airwaves are filled with pundits of all descriptions guessing at what may happen in the year ahead. I thought I would give my own – sometimes fantastical- version of what lies ahead of us.
The world will not end, at least not for all of us but for many of us of course, life will come to a close.
The Arab Spring will degenerate into a fist fight for power between the Islamic parties and whoever is foolish enough to stand against them. The resulting tensions will make war with Iran probable and certainly Iran will be attacked, whether she attacks back is another matter but whomever attacks her, she will strike at Israel.
China will experience popular marches as the economic miracle stalls and parts of China will call for their freedom from Beijing.
The Euro won’t fail but Europeans will all become one car families.
The Indian apartheid of the rich and poor will become common knowledge and many Indian politicians will be brought down by the outrage of the international community who have known all along what they do they just don’t do anything until the general population finds out.
There will be another Christmas.
Hologram PCs will come onto the market. You pay real money for a virtual machine?