The finest way to remember the fallen of any and all conflicts is to work to make sure no more people die in wars. It isn’t always an easy thing to do and often no matter how hard you work, it doesn’t always work. Although the modern world has finally rid itself of kings and queens who go to war to defend their honour, their land or get more power it still hasn’t managed to get rid of tyrants. Of course with all its problems, it is the ability to ensure leaders are deselected after a period of time that is the greatest achievement of democracy because we no longer live under the whim and ego of individuals.
Although it must be noted that leaders live under the whim of chance and events they cannot control and if we do elect intelligent ones we can get a George Bush junior and pay for it with our lives. We have yet to rid ourselves of the second tier of tyranny which is the secret services who are not elected and plan long-term for the downfall of whomever they choose. Much to the chagrin of conspiracy theorists they often get it wrong.
I have sympathy for those though who feel the system votes in short-term dictatorships. They seem to do little remembering and a lot of warring.