I wrote somewhere here about how I thought being a spectator at sports events was ridiculous because the whole idea of sports was to exercise and participate in the game though I left most criticism to sitting in front of the TV. I return to the topic because for most of the events on this world we are all spectators having no direct link with what we see and hear yet joining in its drama.
Yes a high number of American soldiers died tragically this week and a famine warning was given for Africa and I watched in horror. Not only do I do nothing but I sense a kindred nature in these two tragedies because all the deaths are not the consequence of individual stupidity, or a war or even the lack of food. They are the results of a system that is geared up to place the most aggressive human beings in posts of leadership in countries and leaders adore giving orders.
Orders result in death. Every time we make a decision based upon average statistics those on the periphery will die. And just because we choose not to see it doesn’t make us less spectators. Famine is caused by nature and exacerbated by international trade. Wars are caused by arguments between human beings made worse by fiscal policies.
At least we are not expected to applaud.