There are two amongst the millions that exist, that make me shiver with the ignorance and sickness of the human mind. The first is a short film I have seen of a white man in the African hunting dress leaping from elephant to elephant finishing them off as he decimates an entire heard, every animal is already on the ground and his firing is rapid and continuous and never once does his hat even move.
The other I have not seen but it was described to me and it is a photograph taken of a group of white men standing by a river throwing black babies into the river where they are being eaten by the crocodiles. I am not sure I ever want to see this picture though sometimes one must force oneself to know without doubt that such men lived and still live.
It is not that these images conjure up a disrespect for life, show an arrogance human beings have no right too, and exist because of the inherent bigotry that is the birthmark that disfigures our hearts, as much as they did not mind being shown to be doing what they were doing. That they actually thought men would think the way they think forever.
Our thoughts will be the curses upon our dead heads from our grandchildren, as they seem to have always been.