I read an horrific story on the Internet yesterday about a Libyan woman from one of the rebel held towns bursting into an hotel where journalists were questioning the regime, and revealing she had been gang raped by fifteen men. As Libyan security officials shouted in her face and bustled her out, I as did much of the world, watched the hasty, angled videos being taken by the journalists and read how some tried to stop them and one such was arrested and taken to the border and thrown out. How the woman calling for justice was taken away screaming she would be taken to jail.
Most of all I saw her face. I am not bigoted. This is not a cavil against Arabs or Muslims, I am ware of the rapist tendencies in the men of the UK and all over the world, and especially of the ease with which they attack women in war. And I am given to wonder of this is really a sex drive they cannot control, or something much worse. That this is how men think they can suppress; that this is not about a quick ejaculation but the elation of dominance.
And I look. And I read. And I understand why many women think this kind of man should be wiped from the face of the Earth.