There is a website ( ) which states that it is the end of the Internet. It is a kind of in-joke for all those people on the Net and who understand how the Net works. It is also just a joke to share with everyone, rather than being a joke site, it is simply a fun statement. Organisation all over the world have in-jokes that make those in-the-know laugh, some of the funniest are said during wars and all politicians laugh at their own foibles. It is very important to be able to laugh. Psychologists say it helps one handle stress and depression and is extremely healthy, a wholly natural medicine.
It doesn’t cure one of anything, it doesn’t change anything, but in making one feel amused whilst going about the same old business day-after-day, it alleviates and lightens one mind. Quite literally in some cases. It is always important no matter what one does to have an end of the Internet glance at what one is doing. Laughter is reason’s safety valve.
To those of you who pop over to see what the end of the Internet looks like I don’t suggest you leave your e-mail address. The site gets visited by all sorts of people and you know where they have been to get there.