Someone once told me that if you read anything or hear anything in the political sphere, before answering one should ask the question, ‘Who benefits?’ Who benefits from me knowing this, who benefits from this happening, who benefits if this becomes law etc. So when people criticize the Climate Change science I always ask this question and there is only one answer. Because if Climate Change is activated by our activity it is our economic activity that generates it so making money benefits from Climate Change not being due to human activity.
I have just watched the American Geophysics Lecture,, and listened to the discussion on how far the science has progressed that links CO2 emissions with temperature, taking in the Ordovician glaciation and the Mioecene spike. For once I heard scientists talking science, talking sedimentary deposits and probabilities and how CO2 looks like the best answer to several known problems.
So jaundiced have people become that when people say scientists make most of this up, to protect their salaries, they are believed. This is to misunderstand the scientific mind and the love of knowledge displayed by so many. I have some of the original copies of the first Ecologist magazine dating from the early 1970s. One of the first articles was about Climate Change.
Temperature and CO2 fluctuations strongly support each other, as strongly as business people and politicians support each other. It isn’t 100% for sure but as close as makes no difference. And we pump CO2 into the atmosphere which helps release ancient CO2 locked in rocks and the total CO2 we could emit over the coming centuries could see temperatures average 37°.