I remember when I was around eleven years old I used to come in from school and put on the TV and watch the young children’s programmes, then mine, and not get up until the news came on. I was a year away from exams and I came home one day and the TV had been put away. My mother decided I was watching it too much and not working hard enough.
When I was at my main school a friend of mine who was highly intelligent kept getting into trouble with the headmaster and one day was caught sitting in the middle of a sports fields in a poncho smoking marijuana and they decided enough was enough and expelled him from the school. Something I told one of our teachers was ridiculous but the teacher said he had gone too far.
There are times when we are forming our minds that we are told we have overstepped the boundaries, and when we are adults in many places those people in charge above us do the same, and the legal system sets boundaries and penalties though not because of excess in its own kind (though it includes that) but simply to maintain a certain behaviour pattern.
But no one tells the species when it goes too far. No one comments because there is no one to comment. There comes a time when self-rule is all there is and that is what humanity lacks.