I am formatting, upgrading and installing an OS on my friend’s computer which has lain idle for a few years and no matter how well I planned in advance, there is always something that stops the whole process being a smooth one. Whether it is compatibility issues or DLLs that don’t quite work with the processor and need a ‘fix’, each segment of the procedure needs me to think around a problem. It doesn’t help me to wonder when all this will become standardized or when hardware and software will truly be universally interchangeable if at all, but it does lead me to reflect that in our creations we have followed the path of nature.
Everything has and ‘up’ side and a ‘down’ side, whilst things work they bring along with their promise the need to repair, upgrade, look for better more efficient ways of doing the same thing, and in general show us that ‘there is always something’ to make problems. That is how nature works on every scale. I know it is just another way of saying nothing is perfect but the truth is perfection doesn’t exist, not at any rate the human conception of perfect.
Which is why after three days I am almost but not quite there.