Humanity loves to create tools with which to carry out tasks assigned to us by nature or ourselves. In fact tool making is one of the definitions of what it is to be a a human being. And whilst it is obvious to see how tools help us to do what we want to be done from digging, hunting, clothe making to building and beyond it is not so obvious how the tools we make change us.
I was sitting with my aunt waiting for a call or text on my mobile phone and she said to me that I was just like her children always holding onto it and looking at it every five minutes. I see people endlessly talking into them hardly minding who hears and saying banal things just to pass away five minutes. In like manner we see how dressing up in boots makes us less wary of walking over sharp stones, how arming ourselves with a knife or a gun makes us less scared of a situation and even slightly more apt to aggression.
The more tools we make to do the things we discover we want to do ( the first people who made spears to go hunting hardly thought they needed a Hadron Collider) the more we change to meet the challenges those tools throw up. We develop and modify. It has come to the stage where we think every problem we face will be answered with some new tool, some new method of science.
We have come to believe in our own creations.