It is those little things we do when children, almost in innocence, that give us pleasure because they are rarely done, that we feel so much affection for in our lives. I remember lights being out, so reading under the bed covers with a torch; riding down hills on a bicycle though I was not supposed to because the wind in my hair and on my face felt great. Midnight feasts of any food just to have a nosh, and opening the door to the kitchen very quietly where the dog was waiting to follow me to sleep wrapped up on my bed. Fortunately I had a mother who knew such little things were more important to experience than the rules.
But we lose that spirit of bending the rule when we are adults. Suddenly such experiences are to be put behind us. I don’t know if it just in the UK, but adults find laughter in alcohol more than in just experiencing a little curve to the ball. I remember a Chinese lady once saying she wore a yellow silk blouse under the Mao regulation clothing and when asked what the point of that was because no one could see it she answered that she knew it was there.
If its slightly innocent, delightful and hurts no one, go and do it now.