It strikes me to ask if Adam loved Eve. If Eve loved Adam.There are many, many jokes about the last two people on Earth and an assumption that the first two must somehow have been made for each other. And yes I know it is a myth, but the question still stands in the myth, did they love each other?
After all neither of them chose the other, they were an arrangement and they got into trouble because of each other and lost a life of wonder and contentment in exchange for a life of grind and hardship. The myth never tells us anything about how they ‘felt’ about each other after that. All we know is Eve had children and one of them turned into a murderer – and modern psychologists tell us most murderers are created in their young years through lack of emotional connections – associated with bad parenting.
But did Adam and Eve love each other? We may never know, we may surmise. They stayed together. But then so do many people who feel they cannot get away. After all they were the only people who had been in Eden, they had a shared connection and Eve apparently owed her life to Adam. You can imagine how their arguments went. And you may imagine that since they never asked for anything that happened to them including being brought into existence, they had some arguments with their creator too.
Maybe they felt that what they had was love. Maybe even they didn’t know.