I remember when the Falklands War started a soldier who had gone AWOL from the British Army because it was boring came back to his unit because at last there was a war to go to, and so corrupt is the army they did not arrest him but sent him out to kill Argentinians.
I am told by many people who do dangerous things that it is the possibility of dying that makes them enjoy the sport, to do something that actually puts their lives on the line is what they enjoy – the ‘rush’ as it is termed. It is a bit like a drug. To we who look on, this may all seem a bit like outrageous boredom except for the fact that some psychologist have stated that not only do men enjoy war, many women love warriors. Maybe it is the fact that life is such a battle they want someone who can defend them.
Being lost in battle – when men can become almost thoughtless killing machines – when acts of heroism are the hormones pumping out everything they have got – is well attested by those who have been in war. None of this sits well with the memoirs of so many soldiers who are wrecked by the horror of war and we have to assume that some people are evolving out of this straight-jacket.
But only some.
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