I have been unable to keep the weblog up to date every day because I (master electronics expert I don’t think) burned a hole in my motherboard without the use of a blow torch. I am told this is something of a feat and apart from the fact it could have all caught fire and burned the house down, I might be proud.
That said the expense of buying new parts and a kind friend putting them all together for me, was an expense I could have done without. Most terrible though was to parted from my morning scribbles to you folks who for some reason, keep coming back to read me. Though you never say very much and I find out about you from different places, I know you are there. Some two hundred of you the statistics tell me, unless it is just three of you and you come back sixty times a day each:)
However all is back to some normality if sitting in front of a screen can be called normal and now with books due out this Christmas and lots to do I should be able to discuss my life experiences, with the occasional laugh, as before.
I hope you will kind enough to join me.
i like it 😉