It takes a while to know what we really want in this life. Even those who know early on don’t always get it right, don’t always get on the right path immediately and don’t always find out it was exactly what they wanted. Mostly because we all have to learn about oursleves before we really understand how to make our lives work. Self realisation is such an important part of our experiences that we spend a lot of time on self-help books and working out just how human beings function.
Although it is itself a small industry there is a sense in which we are only looking for who we are because most of what we are taught sets us off on the wrong pathway to begin with. We learn to ‘do’ before we learn to be. We are trained to be part of soemthing becore we understand ourselves. This is not wise though it makes great economic sense.
It worries me that some people lose themselves in the midst of society trying so hard to be what society wants them to be without touching who they are. Continually at odds with their natures and the pressures of conforming.