It was bright and warm again this morning. There were a few lazy clouds in a mostly blue sky and the sunshine was just beginning to warm my face. The field had been cut last week and I climbed over the metal gate to see a fox on the far side.
It was sniffing around, probably fairly young; as I walked along the side of the field opposite. the fox didn’t see us. My rough collie, looking a little foxie herself, padded towards the fox, stopped veered back to me walked along with me, padded towards the fox, veered back to me and did this for half the length of the field. The fox never saw either of us. Just went on sniffing in its own little world.
And even more surprisingly a rabbit was moving, and yes it was a long way from the fox, but even so foxes come in pairs in this field but it seemed utterly ignorant that a few seconds run from it, its worst enemy after man was enjoying an after-meal investigation of the ground. I assume it had eaten for it took the longest time to notice it was not alone.
They have hunted foxes in the UK since they ran out of warthogs and wolves which they hunted to extinction. Some people only want to share the world with animals they can eat. But sharing life is the most precious of all things.