I am not sure but I think everyone could do with a quest now and then. We don’t put on metal armour, hitch ourselves to a horse, and go and find a damsel that needs rescuing or a dragon that needs taming anymore. But the need to be doing something is very much in us.
It isn’t that society demands we work and make ends-meet. It isn’t that we have to grow a family and do our it for the connectivity of the human race. It is the feeling that there are emotions that demand actions within us. Médecins Sans Frontières and Volunteer Overseas are two organisations that meet that desire within many young people.
Daring to believe we can make a difference for the better, that a life to be saved can be saved by us, that a war to be avoided can be avoided with our help. Quests are about facing the huge, almost imponderable problems and finding an answer within ourselves, and taking that answer out with us to those we think need to hear it.
The United Nations, ramshackle and hobbled old horse that she is, is on a quest to give nations common goals but it started as the idea of a few people.
Today you will have an astonishing idea and the internet is a new plain on which you can ride out and fight your corner to change a part of the world for the better. It is no easier and no less harsh than any other struggle; but it will be your struggle and yours alone and you can fight it without any swords, just with your heart.
I hope you win.