I did my interview with Lars Larson, a very popular radio show host in America. I understand these ‘one theme’ shows are common but it came as a culture shock to me that a radio show would try to steer every conversation and every guest into denigration of one political faction.
I did suggest to him that we were both children of adversarial politics but this table-thumping goes beyond just being adversaries because there is no way at all some of these people would ever modify their thinking; you know exactly who they would have been a hundred years ago, what they would have been saying and what they would have believed.
However I wonder if I cannot say the same about me. The interview was pleasant enough and I side-stepped domestic American politics because I don’t know enough about it, and I would never run any discussion that was not balanced. It is just somehow I distrust anyone whose mind you could never change. However intelligent they are it strikes me as somehow ignorant.
I have come to live in a great deal of ‘chaos’ with much unresolved and I do not mind. I do not look for absolutes or certainties. Those people who do I feel, limit their vision because they will always find them.
That is the trap.