Over at linked-in they seem to regularly want people to come up with an all embracing, pithy line to help them garner clients. I am so glad I don’t have to try this but I share today the funny side of my family. My aunts and uncles like all aunts and uncles, have certain characteristics and we all have ‘phases’ we go through in life. At a certain age these become more or less who the person is and so they all created last lines to sum each other up to go on their gravesides. This is known as morbid humour:
My uncle Paul: Here lies Paul, he’ll never have to get up again.
My mother: Here lies Shanne, rent free at last.
My aunt: Here Lies Pauline, you went because we sent you (she went through a phase of coming when called saying like a ham actor , ‘I came because you called me’)
Paul on his father: Here lies my father . . . I think (he doesn’t look like grandfather at all)
My sister and I were too young at the time to have one but when I grew up I asked mum for one and she said:
Here lies Daniel – he thought this was another good idea.